Webinar 17th Oct. 17:00-18:30


Join us for an exciting and innovative webinar where we explore the relationship between Artificial Intelligence (AI) and education! Led by Molnárné Dr. László Andrea, a globally recognized expert and creator of AI-based learning methodologies, this session offers a completely new approach to understanding AI’s role in the classroom.


Join us for an exciting and innovative webinar where we explore the relationship between Artificial Intelligence (AI) and education! Led by Molnárné Dr. László Andrea, a globally recognized expert and creator of AI-based learning methodologies, this session offers a completely new approach to understanding AI’s role in the classroom.

Discover how the very definition of knowledge is evolving in the age of AI and why it is crucial for educators to adapt their teaching methods accordingly. AI is not just a tool but an active participant in the learning process, reshaping the relationship between teachers, students, and learning itself.


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„Webinar 17th Oct. 17:00-18:30” értékelése elsőként

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