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Smart or insane?

Okos vagy őrült?

A héten különböző eseményeken voltam, különböző korosztályok, különböző érdeklődésű emberek, különböző szintű képzettséggel. Természetesen az MI kérdés nem maradhatott el. Mindig akadt egy-két ember, aki megkérdőjelezi, az MI képességeit, példának okáért valaki azt mondta, hogy egyszer megkérdezte a ChatGPT-t, hogy hogy halt meg József Attila és a válasz az volt, hogy kiugrott az ablakon. Nos az ilyen válaszoknak alapjaiban két oka van. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its capabilities has transcended various events, gatherings, and discussions, cutting across different age groups, interests, and levels of expertise. This widespread interest underscores the significant impact AI has on our lives, driving curiosity and skepticism alike. Among the numerous questions raised, the reliability and accuracy of AI’s responses often come to the forefront, especially when it involves nuanced historical or cultural knowledge.

Értsük meg az MI tanulási folyamtát!

AI, specifically models like ChatGPT, are trained on vast datasets available up to a certain point in time, currently up to 2021. This training involves processing and learning from a broad spectrum of information, ranging from simple facts to complex theories across various languages. However, the extent and depth of knowledge in smaller languages or less commonly discussed topics might be limited due to the practicalities of data collection and the economic considerations of maintaining expansive datasets.

Accuracy and Limitations in AI Responses

Instances where AI’s responses may not align perfectly with historical facts or common knowledge highlight two critical aspects of its functionality. First, the limitation in data availability or updates post its last training cut-off. Second, the reduced emphasis on data in less widely spoken languages, which might affect the granularity and accuracy of the information provided. Such instances are not a reflection of AI’s potential but rather an indication of the current scope and focus of its training datasets.

The Evolution of AI Capabilities

Despite these limitations, the evolution of AI technology is remarkable. Continuous advancements in machine learning algorithms and data processing capabilities are gradually overcoming these hurdles. The commitment to enhancing AI’s understanding and its ability to interact in multiple languages with high accuracy is a priority for developers and researchers. This commitment is evident in the ongoing efforts to expand the datasets AI models are trained on, including more diverse and inclusive content.

AI’s Impact Across Disciplines

The integration of AI into various fields has demonstrated its versatility and transformative potential. From healthcare, where AI assists in diagnosing diseases and predicting patient outcomes, to education, where it offers personalized learning experiences, the benefits of AI are manifold. In creative industries, AI’s ability to generate art, music, and literature opens new avenues for exploration and innovation. Furthermore, in the realm of business and marketing, AI tools enhance decision-making, customer service, and operational efficiency.


The journey of AI, from a novel technology to an integral part of our lives, is a testament to human ingenuity and the endless possibilities of technological advancement. As we continue to explore the boundaries of AI, embracing its potential while being mindful of its limitations, we pave the way for a future where AI and human intelligence collaborate to solve complex problems and enrich our understanding of the world.